Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 19

drive your boredom awayyyyyyyyyyy XD



Chen said...

drive my boredom away with your ignorance?

Boggled said...

I think you got the wrong meaning of ignorance man...

and if u didnt... then YOU are ignorant =P HA!

Chen said...

you know what i mean, the act of ignoring me, couldn't think of a word and was too lazy to look up a word, and admit the fact that you knew what it means the first time you saw it 8P

Chen said...

RISE and SHINE~~~~~~

Chen said...

on the weekend, police found a cockfighting ring near Newmarket, they found 6 dead ones at the scene, and seized another 74, later all of those were euthanized

Chen said...

say something....

Boggled said...

wow thaz sad and ironic =(
you sent a msg at 8 am jesus =P

me didnt get good night's sleep - I can hear EVERYTHING - heard grandma get up at like 5-6 am, heard parents get up/leave at 8-9 am... and I'm just like... fuck this -.-

and I just got up, yes.

Chen said...

so when did you go to sleep? I shall introduce my best friend to you: earplugs

Boggled said...

i slept real early - a couple mins before 12

earplugs dont stay in my puny ears =(

Chen said...

you gotta pack them in like you would with your suitcase OR you could just go to bed when your grandma does, cheers to that HAHAHAHHA XD

Chen said...

i was reading chapter summary on David Copperfield...

Boggled said...

lolz sounds good - but grandma goes to sleep at an obscene time -.-

and HAHA you're SO bored, iz not even funny =P

Chen said...

dude, remember that grade 10 girl that was staying at my house? She went to bed at 10 sometimes, and she has class around nine in Glebe

Boggled said...

wow... earlyyyyy XD

howz work... tell me again when you get off work?

Chen said...

i get off at 4, why? so that you can stop leaving message for no one like an idiot, such as i do on gmail?

Boggled said...

LOLZ i do that too =PPPP but no I'd just have those disclaimer msgs for you to see HEHEHEH

gawd I need to seriously do some work... gonna fail T_T

Chen said...

remember fail = no more ps