Wednesday, October 17, 2007

sense of doom.

no clue why, elaboration later...

completion date vs due date... I need to get used to that thinking.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

...annnnnd (note: Bloggie number 42!)

iz dead.


ppl pissed off, but I feel way lighter now (not weight wise, cuz how could I? =P)

yupyup, hopefully it doesnt come back and bite me in the ass =(


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Eyes glazing...

yes, it literally did that just now... everything just suddenly became very blurry, and it's keeping on doing it from time to time... now kewl.
Anyways, what I really wanted to talk about is my new uni selection: york, 'loo, uofT, and ryerson... just to keep notes so I remember...
And another thing, I'm contemplating forgetting the biz club stuff -_- iz not worth the stupid effort... haha but I guess I'll try it out before deciding nething drastic like that.
Oh and, politics is dying, with blood and brimstone and all of that. but the class is too enjoyable to be dropped... I'll just try to get the unis to not see my midterm mark... lolz, it just sux =(
