Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stop Caring About Black Marks on a Sheepskin Paper

Sheepskin paper is referred to as the diploma - it was briefly mentioned in one of my HR classes - no idea how it's relevant but I like the expression so I'm using it.

The other day I was setting up my course schedule for the next 3 years of university life. I was quite happy because I was able to fit CO math major with marketing concentration with psych minor without going too much overboard - have to take 2 courses in winter co-op term and 1 term has six courses - no biggie.

But then I heard about statistics courses related to survey design and experimental design, which are things I'm interested in... but I had always rejected stats other than the required courses for my degree because I hated probability.

I reviewed my course schedule and noticed a lot of the courses I'm taking are to satisfy a requirement, not because I'm interested in the course material - this applies to 50% of the psych minor courses.

I noticed for CO and marketing that the choices I picked are for courses I could find interesting/useful (mostly interesting, I don't much care about usefulness). So those 2 are going to stay, even though I am rather confuzzled on how CO is going to relate to what I do in the future - but who cares about that.

So I've decided to not do a psych minor - but still take social psych, social cognition, personality theory which are the courses I am still interested in.

I've also decided to take some design-based stat courses in order to help out my marketing research path.

But I just have to get rid of the mentality for having things written on my sheepskin paper in 3 years.

It's simply psychological.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Double Down

Today I had a double down sandwich from KFC... I was expecting it to be gigantic and heart-attack-inducing. But no, it was tiny, extremely salty (only flavour detectable) and just overall disappointing.

I had a Tim Horton's iced cap afterward, so it compensated somewhat for the tragedy - I mean I went all the way to Conestoga mall for it -.-

There was good conversation though, so I don't regret. A lot of things need to be dealt with. I'm feeling worse and worse for not dealing with things directly - out of fear or just a long-term stability of ignoring and avoiding and doing nothing... letting it go on (No for once it's not about what you're thinking of).

There's no proper way of broaching the topic without major repercussions - and maybe I just don't care enough (Again not the thing you're thinking of - because I do care enough for that one - the handicap in that situation is a fundamentally different issue).

Let's see if there will be a final straw.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This magnificent machine...

Yesterday afternoon I planned to study for a midterm tomorrow... Then either something I ate or just stress piling up, I got hit by the mother of all migraines. I tried to work but I had to lie down in darkness for 5 hours to alleviate the intensity. I missed Euchre, which I feel bad about, and did not accomplish much studying, for which I'm sure I'll feel the repercussions.

I just felt the truth in Feynman's words, about the importance of this magnificent machine to allow me to do so many things I love. I've had headaches before but never ones so intense as to constitute a migraine. This physical body needs to be protected, even if later on I want to do risky things that promise interesting results, but I would never want to put this machine in a kind of danger that I would regret.

Sigh. I hope I can make up for the time lost tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back to basics.

Recently I considered spending a good few hours each month blogging for international development. The description of the role was to produce 1 blog entry every month dealing with current events, providing full references or videos for full impact.

I was looking at my calendar to set up some time when I realized: how can I blog in such a structured manner when I can't even drop off some random ideas on my own blog here.

I have been neglecting this blog, and I intent to right it here. There's a pun there.

Things have been busy lately with lots of club work, interviews, falling behind in coursework as usual. Also the usual lack of particular social interaction - I'm feeling older and older everyday.

But anyway, something I want to talk about today (I'm in marketing class - I hope he's not saying anything important):

All my interviews have been 30-45 min long, but I've always finished them at least 10 minutes before end time. Looking at the clock tick by at the end of their line of questioning is strangely frustrating - as I've said all I wanted to say but time tells me it wasn't enough. But the dam has closed. There's nothing I can do.

Should I repeat and reword? But it would simply agitate me more. Should I await the awkward silence? Of course, that doesn't help much with my anxiety level either.

Sigh - I can also never prepare for interviews properly - so I stop doing that altogether. I think only applying to jobs I want (i.e. marketing) which deals with topics I know and can ad lib about, makes it easier to ... well, bs. XD

Sigh I think not talking enough will end up debilitating for my job-hunt endeavour. I will attempt to change.
