Monday, March 23, 2009

Mar 24

Presentation day... more yay -.-



Chen said...


I saw a guy on the bus that could have been a character from hellsing :P

Boggled said...

smexy =P did u stop him for his awesome gun-slinging phone #?

wait we're talking about some hawt guy from hellsing right? XD not a bum with muscles -.-

Chen said...

i meant more of the sinister priest type....

Chen said...

you are up early

Chen said...

btw, are you using your look-alike pin?

Chen said...

i'm reading this other manga by george asakura (the girl that drew the elementary kids manga), it's so ridiculous it's funny

Chen said...

if you actually pay attention to the Sorry Sorry dance, it's quite silly -___ --||

there was a mumps vaccination available for kids born before 1996 (before 1996,kids only get one, after you get 2), so i checked my record, turns out i had 3....

Boggled said...

hahaha not that fun

yes I have to practice for my presentation -.-

hahah the pin is not for today XD must look professional XD

Boggled said...

stop manga-ing XD =P that elementary is twisted...

Boggled said...

THREE?!?!?! whyyy =P

I prolly only got one cuz I was so unloved >.>

Chen said...

are you in class?

I got one when i was a baby, two more when i got to canada

dude, don't talk about unloved, i was wondering if i should get chicken pox vaccine, mom said no need, since nobody has it now, you won't get it

Boggled said...

nope class starts at 2:30

u're loved. and she has good reason right =P no one has it now ...

am so bored and so screwed.

Chen said...

::just imagine my silent laugh face::

the manga i was talking about, one guy said he had a nightmare where he was in hell, and he had to poke holes on a piece of paper until the paper no longer looked like paper, then he would have to do the same to a bigger piece of paper XD

ps: is it silent LAUGH face or LAUGHTER face

Chen said...

Boggled said...

what kinda stupid nightmare is that... sounds like major torture -.-

iz silent laughing place -.-

and no the major amount of chinese just bothered me too much XD

Chen said...

i read a comment on the film Babel, one guy wrote "The film should be classified as torture under the Geneva Convention." XD

Boggled said...

WOW harsh - I liked it (the movie AND the comment) =P

Chen said...

what was the theme of the movie

Boggled said...

diff languages, diff ppl, diff places, diff lives, but all connected...

Boggled said...

u know the story of the tower of babel right? same sort of idea...

Chen said...

aside from that, i didn't get anything deep out of it, like the film made it seem

Boggled said...

ok what? XD

Chen said...

nvm, go study, or practice for your presentation.

Boggled said...

in class now XD i've kinda given up lolz...

Chen said...

i'm guessing you'll be lolz-ing a lot during your presentation D:<

have a good view?

Chen said...

mom calls mumps Zhu1 Tou2 Fong1 :P
because you glands swells up and you head gets fat XD apparently it's more prevalent on campus nowadays, maybe you should get your second shot