Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Apr 21

Move out day... >.> in the evening >.>

note to self: return keys before 3 -.- ...



Chen said...

please remember to pack my stuff too :P

Boggled said...

LOLZ =P I dont know where it is cuz I cant recognize it >.>

but I wont leave anything - so u can search thru it later XD

Chen said...

it's in a plastic bag that's tied, i don't think there's that many that's TIED at your place, just make sure linda doesn't pack it, otherwise my vocab will not be enough to describe the awkwardness...

Boggled said...

hahah i washed it remember? so iz NOT tied anymore =P

Chen said...

right... thanx for that :D

Boggled said...

so u can try to find it sometime in my drawers =P

Chen said...

all's good then :P maybe i'll see you sometime next week?

Chen said...


mom said that apparently there were these fires china, back in the day, that ppl got burnt(died obiously), but their cloth were fine

Boggled said...

sure sounds good =P I'll pencil u into my HECTIC unemployed schedule =P

the song is very pretty... what is it about (I like the minimum music background)

wow how did their clothes stayed unsinged =P

Chen said...

the song is from Tales of Earthsea

i'm telling you this because they were not scorched and nobody knows why.

how far along are you in the packing

Boggled said...

havent even started -.- because I dont have any bags (all went back to toronto - so I can only pack when parents get here)

Chen said...

i called, your phone is off

why is your bags in TO ? ~(--- __--)~

Boggled said...

u called - I called back - ur mom picked up and said it was accident... >.>

first of all - why ARE my bags in toronto - and they're there cuz I didnt have space for it so I got my parents to take it back when i first moved in...
I now regret this decision.

Chen said...

when did you call back?
i called once last night, once this morning from office.

if you have no room in that GIANT room of yours, where is Meng keeping hers?

Boggled said...

lolz I called back today - that was u last night? what was ur number, cuz I thot it was a prank call teehee and no I didnt get a call this morning -.-

no room as in - there's no place to keep the thing while having it hidden at same time

Chen said...

why would anybody do a long distance prank call.....