The Oscars, somehow, reminded me that I used to do movie reviews... (and also that I should check out some of the mentioned films) and I havent really done that in the last year... so since I just saw Shutter Island today, I'll do a little tidbit just to get myself back onto it.
Visuals: very nice. suspense is perfect to the T. Scorsese does not fail to impress
Story: in hindsight, amazing. during, one was too confused to feel that way XD <- which just shows how good it is. Once you know the ending, the different scenes made enough of an impact that you can recall them and piece together the puzzle too =)
Music: good music, but too much. Some parts the music was SO loud and SO unnecessary, but maybe that was done on purpose, considering the ending result... though during it was rather annoying bordering comical
Acting: It's Leo. It's Kingsley. We don't have any failures in this department. superb.
Overall: 8.5/10 (points off because I was confused way too much during + the music)
Next up: Alice in Wonderland XD - once again, hyped up, but Tim Burton shouldn't disappoint. heheh
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