Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Something Over, Something Begins... everything f'ed

Well... I finished my AP exams last two weeks... so that's a relief. now before i can even breathe easy, I have acc summ and eng summ (thank goodness iz been pushed back to next week)

I've wasted the long weekend playing a certain RPG game... lolz... no it's not that one. i would kill myself if it was that again... haha anyway i just feel that my life is a big mary-go-round and i'm getting tired of the routine, even the stress... which used to be something out of the ordinary has now become a normality. i've been sleeping wayyy too late and waking up wayyy to late, and my body is feeling the strain - i've had a cold for 2 weeks now... a friend said i shud check for sars but i think iz just my bad sleeping and eating habits.

also, i've been drifting more and more into my other world - which i had occasionally stepped into before (esp on long bus rides, hopefully scenic)... but now i'm deeper into it and spend longer periods of time there than is healthy for a sane person, i s'pose i just need the higher dosages (no, i'm not doing drugs -_-)

and that game is not helping.

i really like something a char said tho: "I got into gambling because gambling is like life in little bursts. Life is a big gamble, you know."

I know it's nothing special or unique or new, but it's definitely a good thought to hold onto... and I just realize my left hand takes over more than half of the keyboard space.. I mean I even use my left hand to press Y as well as B... at least H is part of my right hand territory...

I wish I could still write with my left hand...



Unknown said...

haha, i use my right hand for both b and y =P
left hand has the space though
and ring fingers for q and p cuz my piny can't reach

other worlds?

thank god it's not that one

William said...

whattt? the convention is right hand for y and left hand for b >.<

-rule follower-... -hides-

i use my right hand as space XD

LOL lisa, yup, your pinky is too small =PPPPP <3

oh what RPG you playing o.o' maybe i am playing it too XD

oh hmmm other worlds o_o'.... >.>