4 yrs of high school just flashed by so fast. I never felt totally attached to the school, so I guess the nonexistent feeling of sadness is just a symptom of that apathy. I know I've definitely changed during high school, who doesn't? But not so much as completely changed, as just slightly molded into a older person... I won't say mature, because that's not what I am at all, haha. I made some great friends, close friends that I won't ever forget even if I wanted to. I met some people whose existence I'm grateful for. I've done a lot of things, and experienced circumstances and feelings never before possible.
But I don't feel sad. I feel a sort of wonder at the people I know now and what they will go on to accomplish. I see us meeting as adults in a different world, and the strange emotions that will tie to them. I think it would be a fun thing to see, if it ever happens, and I certainly hope so.
This separation in the path, overgrown with exotic and new feelings and circumstance, will lead to our finding and growing into our selves. It's quite an ethereal feeling, and I hope that everyone achieves whatever they may desire.
Much love to all who were there for the ride and best wishes to everyone.
Of course, to LX, who will continue being there for the ride =P... *LOVE*
Goodbye, Lisgar08!
wh00t! congradulations, you survived high school =)
*level up*
hehe, adult is not a bad thing, really. i remember those time when we hated growing up... but i think it's nice... to be able to actually DO things that's REALLY meaningful... (yes, i think you DO mean mature)
HAHA *level up* sounds so mario-like! hehe =) naw I dont XD
but I second that DO things that are meaningful comment... looking forward to it!
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