Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year's Resolution

... because I'm chinese, so it seems more fitting to do one at this moment XD

1. try best to enjoy what i choose to do, especially for those choices that are hardly choices at all
2. accept that i choose not to... sometimes
3. try best to understand the circumstances and all internal wiring related to why I do 1, 2
4. control process

5. academically - dont fall behind. understand stuff more so than mechanically churning out assignments/tests - see the merit, or the lack thereof - good for self-understanding, esp later

6. accept things i cannot change. change things i cannot accept. whichever is stronger. this is no longer a funny quote.

7. make courage happen.

8. open as many opportunities as i can see (even a glimmer), and more importantly, learn how to open them effectively.

9. laugh. have/create genuine things to smile for.

10. very important: get over stuff. from little thing to big things. spilled milk/oil spill is not coming back into the glass/ship nice and neatly. no point in worrying about it. I know this, yet I stress. so this must change. All I must do is learn from these situations and deal with similar cases different in the future.

11. apply 10 to certain specific situation(s).


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