Anyway, I'm in CS class right now and zoning out every 5 seconds, quite literally. The voice of the prof fades in and out of my attention span; nothing is sticking. Okay, so he's talking about floats and integers in Python... i.e. boring.
But oh my goodness, I have another hour of this to go through. I need to download Python... Thoughts scattering; and thus I shall close.
Damn this blog chat thing is hard to keep up XD. I keep forgetting to refresh the page while I am thinking why isn't she answering
It's TENN~~~~~~~~~ you are going to be late for alge, get up, get UP, GET UP~~!
dude I was already up =P I woke up at like 7:30 to go to MORNING calc class (8:30)...
hahahah snappy =P
Snappy? You have morning class? You didn't go last time i was there :(
PIIIIIIITA PAN~~~~~~~~~~ ~( ‾∆‾)~
I had CALC morning class... that last time you were there - I was in ALGE =P
so yawr hehehe
okay, you know you're bored if you start PIIIIIITA PAN-ing =P
iz like 2 unrelated conversations brought together XD
and PS (no pun intended) lez put our chat in this comment box.
so this is the comment reply to ur other post on my lyrics:
no i didnt have fun in alge (didnt get midterm back -.- not that I want to know about my failures)...
but yes i did sit in the back for calc (as per usual) and I always have a good view... ish =P
you don't need to remind me that i was in ALGE with you, trust me i know it's alge when i see it, the capital was unnecessary. So did you have change of schedule or did you skip last time i was there?
I had a change of schedule... I'm not a skipper =P ahoy matey... I hope you understood what that meant XDD
I see the exponential growth of your boredom... iz very attractive XD
yes yes i got they "ahoy matey" part :] Are you saying my being bored, so bored that i could slip into a coma, is attractive?? you w-h-eird person
yupyup I am tres wheird =P no hyphens necessary XD cuz we all know how wheird YOU are HAHAHAHAHA ::is making no sense::
okay, I'm gonna see if I wanna go to my REAL calc class... >.>
and yes, didnt you know comas are hawt =P
the accent is on the "h", hence the hyphen
for some reason one of my comments didnt work, so here's a semi-reproduction:
PS (no pun intended) lez keep all chats to one comment section =P so here's the comment reply to your other comment:
I did NOT have fun in alge (no midterms for one thing...not that I want to see how much i epically failed >.>). I however DID sit in the back for calc... and I always have a good view, ish XD
you're prolly off work now. ttyl XD
Man, working after long weekend is hard~~~
Went to restaurant with mom and her friends on Sunday, we each got two bowls, my two bowls were exactly a semi-tone apart when you hit it with spoon 8D
LOLZ initiative for work is always hard =P esp a long repose ... heheh boss not seeing u slack off? or are you being a suffering good employee? XD
wow -.- semi-tone apart... you music... person, but that made me laugh, so good for you (not that this surprises anyone anymore >.>)
arent you amazed I'm awake =P (had appointment at 11 teehee) I can officially wear my retainer only at night, YAYYYY XD thou shalt rejoice =P
I dont know if you'd appreciate this:
Jiro first exposed a secret of Danson, which is not letting those who wear jeans sit on his bed. When the guests leave, he will immediately change his bed sheet. Danson, in return, also exposed a secret of Jiro. Jiro becomes a totally different person after taking a shower. He would not let anyone who hasn't showered yet to enter his room, even his girlfriend.
hope you enjoyed (mostly the first 2 sentences XD) you guys are kindred spiritsss =P
what do you mean "not that this surprises anyone anymore >.>"? You can tell how bored i was listening to their mom&friend convo before the food arrived....and also you big fat(wait, scratch that, fatless) hater, how dare you flaunt your retainerless-ness in front of me T__T, "thou shalt rejoice", boohoo~~
is Danson the Tang yu zhe dude? Wow he actually lets them sit down initially. So does that mean Jiro doesn't enter his own room before showering? I am tempted to change the sheets every time somebody sits on it wearing outside-pants, but then the laziness (having to wash the sheets) overcomes EVERYTHING.
as in u making me laugh w/ random weird stuff is no longer surprising.
and yes your boredom is also amusing.
my fatless hater self laugh at joo =P MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
yes I think so... =P no he means that Jiro BECOMES a totally weird person AFTER he showers - someone who doesnt let people who havent showered into the room - for some reason i can understand that... I know eh - twisted.
dude we both know the power of laziness and procrastination - I can understand hehehehe =P
you're prolly at home now... I'll ttyl XD
I see I see, anyways please leave for stuff for me to read tomorrow, this is what i live for now....(with the money rolling on my legs)
leave LOTS of stuff....
At work already. Are you studying hard or hardly studying?
Just found something very ironic:
look under women rights and you'll see what i mean
iz money rolling over ME legs, k =P and I know - I entertain you and you get paid... something is wrong w/ that =(
apparently you're leaving lots of stuff too... not rlly =P just small msgs separated into many boxes... how non-efficient...
altho it does make it more obvious to check if there's a new msg =P
I'm not studying at all... there's no hardly involved =P
and I LOL'ed =P N/A XDDD well I bet someone put it there just for the irony, cuz they coulda del'ed that section altogether eh =P
so whacha upto? working hard?
Of course i am working hard
I just read the wiki file on "Lilith", dunno if that's where you got your name
HAHAHA no it isnt
altho after I got my name I read the file on lilith and i considered changing to lilith =P
actually Lillith cuz I still liked the 2 l's ness meh too much hassle.
dude, don't change, it has a bad meaning
lolz this was like in gr 8 =P so it's past... and yes I know what i means =P
tres dark XD
dark and dirty like muck from bottom of lake ontario, btw, have you seen the second underworld movie?
it's snowing cats and dogs here, you can't see anything
i like how u picked lake ontario... i thot superior was worse =P
no i havent... actually am not sure - prolly not tho... after the first one i got bored -.-
it's only snowing kitties and puppies here, so not as bad =P you off work now? ttyl XD
okay WTF 34 comments?!?!?!?!?! I FU you.
dude it took me like 5 whole seconds to realize you were trying to do chinese (if you are)... if you're not, then FU! =P
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