Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Terminator: Salvation

Not as good as the hype suggested, or as good as I expected (from being a fan of the previous terminator movies)... so slightly disappointing.

The movie seemed to have fed on "suspense" points where you jump back as a metallic being appears behind the main character... gets old after a while...

I rlly disliked christian bale in this role... too much batman ambiance -.- absolutely hated the wife... we don't need any wide-eyed, permanent mascara-eyed (even though we're in war zone where even food is scarce) innocent girl -.-

However, I LUVED kyle reese character (heheh also very cute), LUVED the marcus character too (too bad he has to die "for the greater good"), and the pilot girl (the story line between these characters was FAR more interesting than the john connor thing -.- Here is the saving (or savalation teehee) grace.

Special effects were superb, as they should be - or else it wouldn't be a modern film. nothing too awe-inspiring.

Out of the four movies (star trek, wolverine, angels and demons, terminator), I will put this as the worst (even more so than wolverine?? yawr cuz I expected less from wolverine and it still delivered... I don't hold well w/ disappointment =( ...)

Recommended? Sure if you're a terminator fan... but really if you had to pick, go with the other choices =P


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