So I took this book out on Monday (not on a whim, but close enough), and I thought it was quite intriguing and read it - I finished it just about 1 hr ago. So it was a weeklong experience... approximately 300 pages, and it is the best book I've ever read so far.
Let me elaborate a little: So this book is about, at its surface, a man and a woman an about their relationship and about the man's many infedelities (with one in particular of interest) and of how the woman deals with that - but mostly it's about their lives and their experiences and how their initial views are shaped by these expereinces and about how their paths are shaped by their views, unknown to them at the time... I know that was just a complete pointless ramble but seriously it's what came to mind.
The book is almost a philosophy book, in rank with Rand with a dash of Palahniuk (I would say - mostly because of the subject matter and the way things are described through actions rather than speech - which is mostly rand's preference). I do not have enough of a literary background to make any quality comparisons and to really justify or explain how this work has touched me. Its views on existance, on society, on happiness, on love, on politics, on... almost every facet of life (so aptly illustrated in 300 short pages) is absolutely amazing. Even things I may not agree all of it, it struck a chord. A beautiful masterpiece.
I would like to quote this book - but I can't because I want to quote almost every page, so that would just be very tiresome and the point defeated. So instead I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone (unless you get squeamish about certain subject matter - then you should just go sit in a corner =P). Enjoy.
you are going back to your grade 11 days: rambles that are grammatically correct
are u sure iz grammatically CORRECT? as opposed to INcorrect? XD And I LUVV this book. much recommended. ^^
so i got this book yesterday, and the cashier person couldn't hide her smirk and asked, "Is this for yourself?" I said yes, and asked whether it was good. She made a face and nodded slowly saying, "In a way." I told her that a friend recommended it to me. She nodded then said, "Well, no surprises then!"
LOLLZ =P luv that cashier person =]
many of her words can be interpreted many wayz
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