Monday, August 17, 2009

In the closing three weeks of summer (until the 5th)...

Not that such lists ever helped me accomplish things, but here's trying:

1) Study... I will say 1 hour a day, wont prolong to wkends... XD
2) Practice... 30 minutes a day during week days, and however bloody long I want for wkends (1 hours? XD)
3) Help Lisa with the site, either during boredom under these florescent lights, or during reprieve.
4) Calm the fuck down and draw/write something worthwhile (havent done this in a long time)
5) Last minute hang-outs (must contact!)
6) Maintenance duties (laundry, clean, etc)



Unknown said...

when is your last day at work?

Boggled said...

Friday Sep 4 - one of the later batches I s'pose...

when are you back to loo?