I know I wrote about 30 days of whatever challenge in the winter term to be accomplished in the last 6 months or so.
Well we all know that didn’t happen – definitely not under time constraint considering how tragically eventless this term has been – although admittedly last semester was quite busy.
ANYWAY, enough of that. It was about new/newish things I wanted to try out and have the discipline to continue for a month at a time. But, I guess I realized maybe I should start with things I like to do and see if I can develop those little bits of skill I have over a longer period of time.
So lo and behold: I challenge myself to sketch something for each day of the Winter 2011 term (need to upgrade sketching pad). So roughly 120 sketches should be produced by the end of the semester. I think a sketch (sans pencil outlining first) would take about a solid hour. So an hour a day to do something I like doesn’t seem that intense, does it? I can fit in my classes and other fun stuff =] To do is to live, ya?
I guess I should put some outlines here, not so much to constrain myself but to know where the lines are if I so want to brush past them:
1) Small sketches, not full 8 by 11, although this reminds me I need to get a good solid sketching pad soon. Using my IDC writing pad will last for now (while I sketch anyway for fun XD)
2) No pencil outlines, unless I want to do the drawing in pencil only. And unless I want to do a more formal drawing, and not a sketch
3) Try to use only one utensil, like how I’m currently trying out my staedtler triplus roller (by no means an artist’s pen) just for fun. Anything that makes a mark can be used. Perhaps try other mediums – but don’t get fancy at the base.
4) Use drawings already existent (online or print). Unless I want to get creative. This is a drawing exercise, creativity can chill this term =) Maybe at the end I can draw more character-based, from-my-head drawings if I want to get shifty.
5) Forget drawing classes. Hip hop and night classes are enough to worry about – oh and swimming, gotta get ready for dem beaches (getting off topic but that’s okay)
Happy drawing!