Saturday, November 13, 2010

Need to Stop Getting Into Things…

…that don’t result in any productivity, i.e. pointless, time-wasting, emotionally-exhausting ventures that don’t amount to anything but bad feelings and unnecessary tension.

Life is too short to dwell on unhappy thoughts.

Stop being a psychiatrist and analyze everything and get into the nitty-gritty of stuff that are between others. How would I do this if people come to me for help and ventilation (I don’t know if this actually works out in meaning but I’m going with it).

I am weak against denying people help, and sometimes things come too close for comfort and I really don’t want to deal with it, too tired to deal with it, see no point in dealing with it, just would not be beneficial to my general mental health to deal with it, so I need to make myself stop dealing with it.

Maybe I should psychoanalyze myself in such situations and define first and foremost what I want, in the selfish sense. Would it benefit me in any way to deal with something that doesn’t directly affect me? And if not, then why do I want to get into things? People are shifty creatures; it is impossible to know with certainty, or within well-defined error bars, what one may think, how one may feel, and how one may react. In fact, it can have a negative impact on me if I get involved.

So why do I do it? Do I want to help? Do I care so much? I hope that is not the case, because it only shows more weakness, and a new level of masochism I don’t need right now.

Why can’t everyone just be happy, accept each other, and get along.

There’s no point in being emotionally invested in such interactions. Honestly, what is wrong with just being simple, expect simplicity,  and just enjoy life and each other’s presence and differences?


I should stop over-complicating things in ::cough:: the other aspect of my life too –_- Just Do It – Nike.


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