So the other day I upgrade windows live messenger because I was intrigued by the link between the messenger and social media sites like Facebook – it took me a day of fiddling to get my Facebook chat onto messenger, but it was worth it. Now I’m permanently on Facebook… but only in so far as the updates and chatting goes, for anything more substantial (like note writing, no hating, Lisa, you were okay with it last December, I have another note to prove it, so not 8 years ago =P we were making html websites back then XD hehe) I would still have to go onto Facebook website interface, but I like the direction this partnership is going.
So, apparently upgrading live messenger added on some other programs, as expected from MS (whenever you download something, a whole slew of other “related” stuff are added as well, usually not too exciting). Mind you I had unchecked all the extra downloads, but apparently there are a few “mandatory” ones – like this live writer. It connects to blogs, like WordPress, but I’m used to blogger, so here I am. A lot of formatting is simplified, and I do appreciate the word count function. Content management, ftw. =D
Ooooo block quote is just a click away.
- lists are cool
- yes, they are
I think this will make blogging easier – since it links to my account without my having to sign in every time.
Oh pictures:
Yes I realize I’m using this as a filler image… everywhere. Meh I’ll get a new one soon.
Dude, is this an emoticon… bunnies =D
I can split posts too:
MS, you’re getting back into the game. I like it. Show Google who’s boss, especially considering they’re still harbouring hopes of owning Facebook in the social media realm. If you can’t beat them, join them (I hate clichés, but I’m using one here, so that’s how much I appreciate the newly improved MSN right now). Google, don’t sweat it; your gtalk’s simplicity is still awesome, so is the bundling of your email services with calendar (best tool ever) and documents, etc. If you manage to create something better than Facebook, I will drop MS/Facebook in a second, and support your world domination ;D
But MS, please format the messenger better, sure the functionality is great, but the glaring ads at the bottom right corner that inconsistently appear and shrink/enlarge my contact list is beginning to annoy me something terrible. Also, what did you DO to the emoticons…
<- this is not an angry emoticon; it’s SMILING, albeit sinisterly, but still SMILING. >=[ <- that is angry.
<- when did moustaches become cool, esp. for girls? I used to use the cool emoticon to describe me, now I can’t without appearing like a bearded lady – they were only popular in the gypsy circuses.
<- I want the bat back… you know, the one with wings? =[
Anyway, I like the change overall, and am looking forward to future developments.
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